What actions should be taken to combat illegal mining (galamsey) in Ghana?
Published 10 August 2024
This poll seeks public input on the most effective measures to combat illegal mining, or galamsey, in Ghana. Participants can select multiple options to indicate their preferred strategies for addressing this critical environmental and socio-economic issue.
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21.8% votes
21.3% votes
20.8% votes
17.04% votes
19.05% votes
[{"id":48,"title":"Stricter enforcement of laws","votes":87,"type":"x","order":1,"pct":21.8,"resources":[]},{"id":49,"title":"Community education and awareness","votes":85,"type":"x","order":2,"pct":21.3,"resources":[]},{"id":50,"title":"Alternative livelihood programs","votes":83,"type":"x","order":3,"pct":20.8,"resources":[]},{"id":51,"title":"Increased penalties","votes":68,"type":"x","order":4,"pct":17.04,"resources":[]},{"id":52,"title":"International collaboration","votes":76,"type":"x","order":5,"pct":19.05,"resources":[]}]
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