Which of the following issues do you believe contributes the most to corruption in Ghana?
Published 10 August 2024
This poll seeks to identify the root causes of corruption in Ghana by asking participants to select the factors they believe most contribute to this issue. The results will help to inform strategies for combating corruption in the public and private sectors.
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20.88% votes
16.76% votes
21.47% votes
18.82% votes
22.06% votes
[{"id":38,"title":"Weak legal framework","votes":142,"type":"x","order":1,"pct":20.88,"resources":[]},{"id":39,"title":"Lack of transparency","votes":114,"type":"x","order":2,"pct":16.76,"resources":[]},{"id":40,"title":"Inadequate salaries for public officials","votes":146,"type":"x","order":3,"pct":21.47,"resources":[]},{"id":41,"title":"Cultural factors","votes":128,"type":"x","order":4,"pct":18.82,"resources":[]},{"id":42,"title":"Political influence","votes":150,"type":"x","order":5,"pct":22.06,"resources":[]}]
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