What reforms should be prioritized to improve the educational system in Ghana?
Published 10 August 2024
This poll explores public opinion on the most critical reforms needed to enhance the quality and accessibility of education in Ghana. Participants can select multiple areas where they believe reforms should be focused to create a more effective educational system.
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21.22% votes
20.14% votes
18.24% votes
19.32% votes
21.08% votes
[{"id":20,"title":"Curriculum overhaul","votes":157,"type":"x","order":1,"pct":21.22,"resources":[]},{"id":21,"title":"Teacher training","votes":149,"type":"x","order":2,"pct":20.14,"resources":[]},{"id":22,"title":"Infrastructure development","votes":135,"type":"x","order":3,"pct":18.24,"resources":[]},{"id":23,"title":"Increased funding","votes":143,"type":"x","order":4,"pct":19.32,"resources":[]},{"id":24,"title":"Access to technology","votes":156,"type":"x","order":5,"pct":21.08,"resources":[]}]
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