What is your opinion on the introduction of electronic voting in Ghana?
Published 10 August 2024
This poll gathers public opinion on the potential introduction of electronic voting systems in Ghana. Participants are asked to consider the implications of such a move on the electoral process, including security, accessibility, and voter turnout.
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18.27% votes
16.79% votes
22.14% votes
23.8% votes
19% votes
[{"id":33,"title":"Strongly Support","votes":99,"type":"x","order":1,"pct":18.27,"resources":[]},{"id":34,"title":"Support","votes":91,"type":"x","order":2,"pct":16.79,"resources":[]},{"id":35,"title":"Neutral","votes":120,"type":"x","order":3,"pct":22.14,"resources":[]},{"id":36,"title":"Oppose","votes":129,"type":"x","order":4,"pct":23.8,"resources":[]},{"id":37,"title":"Strongly Oppose","votes":103,"type":"x","order":5,"pct":19,"resources":[]}]
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